Welcome to the World of  Quarter Midget Racing

Put your kid in a real race car and have some fun!!

What is Quarter Midget Racing
  This sport centers around small cars scaled down to one-fourth the size of full size midget race cars and driven on a 1/20 of a mile oval race track. Power is by a small one cylinder engine similar in size and construction to most lawn mower engines.

 Driver's Ages
The cars are driven in competitive races by kids between the ages of Five - Sixteen.

Can 5 year olds compete with older drivers?
   In the early years, they are learning but many 5 year olds have taken the checkered flag against older competition.

Is it Safe for Children?
Since its inception, the sport of Quarter Midget Racing has enjoyed the finest safety record of all organized children's sports. This safety record did not just happen. Safety starts with car inspections and the driver's must wear proper racing equipment like helmets, racing suits, gloves, arm restraints and neck collars. Corner men are present during each race to assist in case of an accident, and probably most important, safe driving habits are instilled in the children from their very first time on the track in Novice Training.

What benefit is there for the Child?

  • It is a family sport. Few other sports permit all members of the family to participate as much. Moms and Dads help run the race program and the child's role is evident.
  • It teaches sportsmanship. A genuine respect for the rights of other drivers seems to be a natural development.
  • It develops coordination, a sense of timing and the ability to plan ahead.
  • It teaches self reliance. Once the green flag is dropped, the kids are on their own.
  • It is competitive. They learn to play hard but that rules must be observed. Rule infractions will result in disqualification.
  • It teaches safe driving and develops driving skill. Very few people ever develop the skill that these children develop. We believe this level of skill will be invaluable as adult drivers where they will have the instinct developed to do the right thing in the unforeseen situations we all encounter.
  • It develops a sense of responsibility. Alertness and concern for the safety of others is acquired.
  • It gives the drivers a well earned right to a sense of pride of accomplishment. They stand just a little taller and are a little more confident after becoming a Quarter Midget Driver

National Association
   QMA (
Quarter Midgets of America) is a national association that has been formed for the purpose of establishing rules concerning safety, car and engine specifications, racing program format, rules of conduct and general track operation. This organization is non-profit with funds being derived from membership dues and sponsorship donations. All persons assisting in the sport at both local and national levels donate their time gratuitously.

How often are races held?
  Most tracks hold weekly races that are scheduled not to conflict with the larger race meets. The larger races are Regional and State's races which are required to qualify your driver for the Grand Nationals. There is a West Coast and an East Coast National on Asphalt and one Dirt National each year.



What Does Quarter Midget Racing Cost?

Many older cars in good condition are available for $1500-$2000, some including motors. Newer, more competitive used cars are available from $2500 - $3500. New cars can be purchased starting at $3950 for a kit and up to $5900 with a Honda motor.

   The motors used are Continental/Deco, Briggs & Stratton and Honda. The Honda motor has recently been added and is considered the most economical entry level for competition. The cost for this motor is around $425 and it must remain STOCK. This makes for a very competitive class with winning being centered more on the car and driver instead of spending a lot of money on a motor.

The cost of membership is $100.00 in QMA plus the cost of joining your local club. The QMA membership includes handler and driver insurance. Pit fees are charged for entering your car in the race program and these range from $20.00 to $50.00 depending on the type of race be it Club, Regional or National.

How much Maintenance is Required?

    It is not unusual for Novice or Stock class engines to operate for well over a year without need of major service.  When required, you can overhaul your own motor inexpensively, usually just replacing rings, bearing inserts and putting in new oil. The higher performance classes - MOD, "B" and "AA" do require more service to stay competitive and then you are always striving to get more out of these motors to put you up front. Working with these motors to make them fast is educational, fun and part of racing.

How Fast do the Cars Go?
Quarter Midget tracks are designed specifically for 1/4 midgets and must conform to QMA specs of approximately 1/20 mile. The  average speed for a 6.00 sec lap is 30 mph. The faster "AA"s can hit speeds up to 50 mph at the end of the straightaway.

Where do Children Learn to Drive?

   Upon joining the local club, all new drivers, regardless of age must go through the club's Novice  Training School. These classes are usually held once a week or more often if necessary and teach the driver the flags, racing procedure, how to line up for a race, how to pass, the best driving pattern for the track and all of the rules regarding possible disqualification for not obeying the racing rules. Most tracks are usually open to all members during the week for practice. Older club members are always available to help the newer members.

How much Practice is required to compete?

    Usually by the completion of Driver Training, enough sessions will have been held to bring most drivers to where they can compete. The Novice Trainer will determine if your driver is ready to race. Once they do start racing they may not win right away but sooner or later your driver will take the checkered flag.

What do they receive for Winning?

  The driver gets a trophy for winning a race. In Special races such as regional and national events, trophies are awarded down to 5th place. At tracks running a points series, the drivers will accumulate points and get a special year end award (like a jacket). This could be a point series at one track or at several tracks (in which case it is called a Monza Series). At some special races, the drivers may be awarded Savings Bonds. 

Many people after seeing their first race feel that they are seeing a group of children far above average in ability. Most of us in the sport remember when we had the same impression., True, some drivers develop faster than others but almost all become skilled, competitive, alert and safe drivers. It is almost 100% certain that your child will too.

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